Current poultry food safety guidelines for Salmonella, the leading cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, are inadequate. A new study conducted by Thomas Oscar, USDA Agricultural Research Service, “Salmonella prevalence alone is not a good indicator of poultry food safety,” published in Risk Analysis, explores additional factors that must be considered in order to identify poultry products that are truly safe for human consumption.

The poultry industry currently uses Salmonella prevalence or positivity rate as an indicator of food safety, but there are numerous other factors that influence the level of risk to public health. This study showed that even though other meats like ground chicken could have a lower Salmonella prevalence than ground turkey at meal preparation, they could pose a higher risk of salmonellosis if they are contaminated with higher numbers of more virulent serotypes of Salmonella.

The current approach to food safety in the poultry industry consists of two pillars:

  • Pathogen reduction and process control to reduce consumer exposure to these harmful pathogens;
  • Active surveillance to identify foodborne illness outbreaks with subsequent recalls of implicated foods.

Read more at Society for Risk Analysis

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