McMaster is launching The Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats, to ensure Canada and the world are better able to manage the human and economic devastation of COVID-19 and avert future pandemics.

“The challenges of biological threats are complex and require the contributions of experts across disciplines and sectors,” said McMaster president David Farrar. “COVID has exposed the world’s vulnerabilities and we need to bring expertise together in new ways. McMaster is ready to lead that effort drawing on more than 15 years of world-class research in infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance.”

McMaster researchers across diverse fields of expertise have rapidly mobilized to deliver on more than 100 COVID-19 related research projects, leveraging vast international networks.  These experts were awarded more than $20 million in COVID-19 Rapid Research funding representing more than a quarter of the funds allocated in the national competition.


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Image via Kevin Patrick Robbins.