A new web game developed at the University of Saskatchewan that uses clever marketing techniques holds promise for teaching online shoppers how to eat healthily.      

“Online grocery shopping has boomed due to the COVID-19 crisis as people avoid going to the supermarkets. With our new game, we can help educate the public on the nutritional value of foods and lead them toward healthier choices,” said USask computer science PhD graduate Ifeoma Adaji.       

The game ShopRight, already available for Web browser, simulates supermarket aisles that players can explore, and presents shoppers with several products to choose from the shelves. The healthier the foods that players put in their virtual basket, the more points they earn.    

“I first came up with the idea of the game when I shopped online. I often got few or no points for loyalty programs when I chose healthy food,” said Adaji, who plans to develop the game as a free Android mobile app.


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Image via Dave Stobbe - University of Saskatchewan.