Growing up 45 minutes from the University of Delaware, Renea Briner remembers visiting the campus during her freshman year of high school and hearing about the exciting opportunities at UD’s College of Earth, Ocean and Environment (CEOE) from Keeley Powell, senior assistant dean of student services in CEOE, and Joanna York, associate professor in CEOE.

That initial impression stuck with her and during the summer of her junior year of high school, she participated in UD’s Taking an Interest in Delaware’s Estuary (TIDE) Camp, which was a 13-day instructional camp offering classroom learning, hands-on field experience and an overnight immersion into marine science that afforded participants time at both UD’s Newark campus and the Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes. TIDE Camp has been modified somewhat since Briner attended, with more options for more age groups, and is now known as ECO Camp.

After participating in TIDE Camp, Briner said that she was hooked on UD.

“I went to TIDE Camp the summer between my junior and senior year and we spent a week at the Newark campus and a week at the Lewes campus, and I just fell in love. It was amazing,” said Briner, now a UD sophomore. “After that, UD was really on my radar because I thought, living here for a semester and doing research would be amazing, and it just seemed like the perfect fit.”


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Image via Renea Briner.