Texas A&M AgriLife is creating a new opportunity to bring together water resource expertise across Texas. To better manage and protect Texas’ most precious natural resource, statewide resources will be brought together to benefit the entire population of Texas.

The goal is to create a comprehensive and nimble expertise network capable of coming together to prepare for and respond to Texas’ water challenges. A series of efforts are underway across The Texas A&M University System to improve the effectiveness of water programs across Texas and increase our engagement with global agricultural and health programs.

“Our resources and efforts are stronger when we share expertise and work together,” said Patrick J. Stover, vice chancellor of Texas A&M AgriLife, dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and director of Texas A&M AgriLife Research. “By creating a unified approach within a matrix management style of coordination, we can better understand and account for the many complexities of Texas water and account for the needs of all Texans and Texas industries. We can build a new level of trust for the future of Texas water.”

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Image via Texas A&M University