There may come a time when the next blouse or pair of gym shorts you buy is made of banana peels, rotten tomatoes, coffee grounds or mouldy bread.

It’s not as strange as it sounds. In fact, the future of fashion depends on the use of biodegradable and carbon-neutral materials, says Avneet Ghotra, a 2018 alumna of the University of Toronto Mississauga who specialized in environmental science and biochemistry.

She is putting that notion to the test with ALT TEX, a startup she co-founded last fall with her best friend, Myra Arshad, who studied business at York University. Currently part of the Scale Up program at U of T Mississauga’s ICUBE business incubator, ALT TEX recently awarded a grant of $30,000 from the Lo Family Social Venture Fund.

“We are in a space involving intensive research and development, and that requires a lot of investment, so we are really grateful for this support,” Ghotra says.


Continue reading at University of Toronto.

Image via Myra Arshad.