At this very moment, a technological solution that identifies transport modes is helping residents of Lahti reduce their carbon footprint. The solution, developed by the startup Moprim, is being used in CitiCAP, a project carried out by the city of Lahti where residents of the city can monitor in real-time the carbon dioxide emissions generated by their mobility.

The data are processed and analysed in Moprim’s cloud service. To users, they are displayed through a mobile application, in which the daily emissions of cars and public transport can be monitored. Users are simultaneously encouraged to move on foot or by bicycle. Furthermore, the use of low-emission modes of transport is rewarded with virtual currency, which users can utilise to purchase products and services at a reduced price.

The goal of the residents of Lahti is not only to reduce traffic emissions but also to compile and share electronic data on mobility and develop new traffic services.

Read more at: University of Helsinki

Photo Credit: jonbonsilver via Pixabay