Animals are coming out of their winter hiatus.

Heavy rain across Eastern Australia is driving garden slugs, spiders and mozzies indoors. What can you do to humanely remove these visitors from your home? Professor Dieter Hochuli shares his tips.

Why are we seeing wildlife coming into our homes?

“A lot of animals are doing exactly what we're doing, trying to avoid the rather inhospitable conditions at the moment. Animals take shelter in the same way that we do, or in the case of some animals like funnel web spiders, it could be because their burrows are getting flooded.

“It's also that time of year when nature really starts to get going. The increase in temperature combined with the rainfall we’re getting are signals to a lot of animals to emerge from their winter hiatus and get their lives up and running again. It's a really critical time for breeding.”


Continue reading at University of Sydney.

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