Tidal marshes play a significant role in coastal ecosystems. They are a nursery ground for juvenile fishes and a line of defense in coastal erosion. However, there is still a great deal not known about tidal marshes. In November 2019, 65 scientists, managers, and restoration practitioners converged at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to see where tidal marsh research has been and where it needs to go.

Dr. Ronald Baker, DISL Marine Scientist and University of South Alabama Department of Marine Sciences Assistant Professor, led the meeting as part of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference Workshop program. Participants spanned from undergraduate students to recently retired leaders of the field. The workshop drew its name from Weinstein & Kreeger’s 2000 book, Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology.

Weinstein, Ken Able, a leader on fish ecology, and a series of presentations opened the meeting to outline key issues confronting tidal marshes and their ongoing role in providing benefits to humans and animals. The presentations were followed by a panel discussion, and then breakout sessions.

Read more at: Dauphin Island Sea Lab