Backed by $2 million from the federal government and partner organizations, University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers aim to make Arctic pipelines stronger and safer, protect the food supply, and improve crop processing with cutting-edge technology.

Five research teams have been awarded a total of $1.08 million from Canada’s Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) to lead the wide-ranging NSERC Alliance research projects. As well, partner organizations are contributing a total of $600,000 in cash and $340,000 in in-kind contributions to the projects.

“This major partnered investment will support exciting USask research projects that address complex challenges, create environmental and economic benefits, and contribute to Canada’s long-term competitiveness,” said USask Vice-President Research Karen Chad. “These collaborative projects will also train new researchers in areas important to Canada and our partners.”  

The new research projects with combined NSERC and partner funding are:


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Image via Dr. Cheryl Waldner.