No country – whether rich or poor – is immune from the health impacts of worsening climate change. Unless urgent action is taken, climate change will increasingly threaten global health, disrupt lives and livelihoods, and overwhelm healthcare systems, according to the 2020 Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, published in The Lancet.

The authors say that the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic offers a key moment to act on climate change. Together, a joint response to converging crises offers the chance to improve public health, create a sustainable economy, and protect the environment.

“We are all hyper aware of global impacts to human health these days, and that’s evident in news coverage around the world. Similarly, we found increases in media coverage of climate change and human health around the world this year, much more than previous years,” said CIRES fellow Max Boykoff, who, along with others from CU Boulder’s Environmental Studies program, contributed to the report with an investigation into media coverage of climate change and public health.

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