Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) three applied energy laboratories—Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)—co‑authored the paper describing such integrated energy systems.

Their effort outlines novel concepts to simultaneously leverage diverse energy generators—including renewable, nuclear, and fossil with carbon capture—to provide power, heat, mobility, and other energy services. The historic collaboration between the nation’s nuclear energy, renewable energy, and fossil energy laboratories aims to address a grand national challenge from an objective, holistic perspective.

“Working together, researchers at the nation’s applied energy laboratories have identified critical synergies among different power generation sources, which will be vital to transforming our energy economy,” said Martin Keller, director of NREL. “We look forward to advancing these creative solutions, collaboratively.”

The new article presents an objective new framework for engineering-based modeling and analysis to support complex optimization of energy generation, transmission, services, processes and products, and market interactions.

Read more: DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory