A research team at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, analysed ecological changes occurring under Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)-type policies in four early–adopter councils in England. They found that although a net gain in biodiversity was being promised across the BNG assessments, these translated into considerable losses of habitat area. Habitat losses were compensated for by commitments to deliver higher quality habitats years later in the development project cycle.

In the sample of BNG assessments analysed by the authors, large areas of low-ecological value habitats such as modified grasslands and cropland were being lost, coupled with promises from developers to increase the condition of habitats that the government’s Metric values more highly such as deciduous woodlands and mixed scrub habitats.

Said Sophus zu Ermgassen, a PhD student who will be presenting the research at the Festival of Ecology. “Unfortunately, our analysis also shows that the governance might not be there to ensure these promises are kept for habitats delivered within the footprints of proposed developments.”

Read more at: British Ecological Society

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