Atmospheric aerosols can exert effects on climate, environment and health. However, due to the lack of comprehensive understanding of the interaction mechanism between the aerosol and cloud, there exists deep uncertainty in the estimation of climatic and environmental effects caused by the anthropogenic aerosol.

The online coupled aerosol climate model is an important tool to reduce the uncertainty and help scientists understand how the aerosol impacts the climate and environment.

Recently, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, through long-term cooperation with the National Institute for Environmental Study of Japan, Kyushu University and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, has implemented an aerosol module named SPRINTARS into the global coupled climate model CAS FGOALS-f3.

"CAS FGOALS-f3 is independently developed by Chinese scientists. Its previous version uses the prescribed aerosols and cannot depict the process of aerosol cycle and the cloud-precipitation-radiation-dynamic interactions. Our work makes up for these disadvantages," said Dr. DAI Tie, the corresponding author of the series of studies published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres and Atmosphere. "The global fully aerosol coupled model CAS FGOALS-f3 can simulate the life cycles of the multiple aerosol components, including carbonacesous aerosols, dust, sulfate, and sea salt."

Read more at Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters

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