A recent report by the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute, Texas Water Resources Institute and Texas Land Trust Council shows state-funded conservation easements in Texas provide numerous financial and ecological benefits.

The purpose of the 2020 Evaluation Report was to examine the benefits of conservation easements established on privately-owned lands under the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program, TFRLCP, a state-funded program that purchases development rights from willing and interested landowners.

“Conservation easements are a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a qualified non-governmental organization or government entity,” said Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute director Roel Lopez. “In this agreement, the landowner still owns the land and remains in charge of its day-to-day management but commits to minimize or avoid certain types of non-agricultural development on their property by selling or donating some property rights. The land trust or public entity holding the easement monitors the property to ensure the terms are upheld in perpetuity.”

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