Following a relocation of ice cores to the Copenhagen suburb of Rødovre in 2017, University of Copenhagen researchers found unopened boxes of ice cores dating back to 1966—the first ice cores drilled on Earth. Analyses of the long-forgotten ice have now been completed and are presented in a new study with groundbreaking results.

Within the cores, which come from deep within the ice sheet at Camp Century, Greenland, the UCPH researchers and their Belgian and American colleagues became the first ever to find these millions of years old macrofossils. The fossils are large enough to be seen without a microscope.

"We pinched ourselves over the treasure we’d found! Because within the cores, which for the most part resemble compressed gravel, we could identify entire twigs and leaves, perfectly preserved after millions of years. We had never found anything like this, nor had anyone else," explains Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen of the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute, who adds:

Read more at: University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Science

Photo of Greenland's Ice sheet (Photo Credit: Joshua Brown, University of Vermont)