Imagine the process of distributing electricity to homes from the power grid is like travelers boarding a train.

There are multiple steps to take before they can reach their final destination. First, they have to buy a ticket at the ticketing booth – this is where the power is generated. Then, they board a train that departs from the station – the power is transmitted over distances using transmission lines. Finally, the train takes the travelers (electricity) to their final destination. This final step of sending power to homes and businesses is called the distribution system – and it is critical that it remain reliable.

Chanan Singh and doctoral student Arun Karngala from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, are working to develop a reliability framework for the distribution system so that utility companies can be better prepared for uncertainties that may arise. Singh is a Regents Professor, the Irma Runyon Chair Professor and University Distinguished Professor.

By developing these models and methods to perform the analysis of the distribution level of the power grid, adverse effects of localized weather events or equipment failure can potentially be prevented.

Read more at Texas A&M University

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