It all started about four years ago, when SUVs and pickup trucks drove uninvited onto their lands, remembers Olimpia Palmar, a member of the Indigenous Wayúu peoples, who have historically occupied the La Guajira desert in northern Colombia and Venezuela. “We started seeing these arijunas [Wayuúunaiki for non-native peoples] wearing construction helmets and boots and vests, getting out of the cars, checking the desert, and then leaving,” she recalls.

Word soon began circulating across the Guajira Peninsula, from the rancherías — the community’s rural settlements — to the few urban centers: The arijunas were offering money to those who would let them plant tall, slim towers on their lands to measure the wind. On La Guajira’s dusty earth, where few things grow, towers began to sprout. By 2019, at least 30 wind-measuring towers had risen on Wayúu land, according to a report by Indepaz, a nonprofit research center.

Trawling captures animals of all sizes

Trawling is the practice of dragging fishnets across the seabed to sweep up fishes. “Trawlers capture animals of all sizes and cause severe damages to the seabed. Also, trawling raises plumes of sediment from the seabed and induces their suspension in the water. Therefore, organisms living on the seabed which feed on those sediments would be lack of food, and biodiversity loss has resulted,” said Professor Leung.

Read more at: Yale Environment 360

The Jepírachi wind farm on the Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. (Photo Credit: Manuel Salinas Bustamante, Archiov Indepaz)