What is happening deep beneath the surface of ice planets? Is there liquid water, and if so, how does it interact with the planetary rocky “seafloor”? New experiments show that on water-ice planets between the size of our Earth and up to six times this size, water selectively leaches magnesium from typical rock minerals. The conditions with pressures of hundred thousand atmospheres and temperatures above one thousand degrees Celsius were recreated in a lab and mimicked planets similar, but smaller than Neptune and Uranus.

The mechanisms of water-rock interaction at the Earth’s surface are well known, and the picture of the complex cycle of H2O in the deep interior of our and other terrestrial planets is constantly improving. However, we do not know what happens at the interface between hot, dense H2O and the deep rocky shell of water-ice planets at pressures and temperatures orders of magnitude higher than at the bottom of the deepest oceans on Earth. In the solar system Neptune and Uranus are classified as ice-giants; they have a thick external water-ice layer, which is underlain by a deep rocky layer, and it is still discussed whether the temperature at the interface is high enough to form liquid water.

An international research team lead by Taehyun Kim of the Yonsei University of Seoul, Korea, including scientists from the University of Arizona, from DESY, from Argonne National Laboratory, and Sergio Speziale of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, conducted a series of challenging experiments both at PETRA III (Hamburg) and the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne, U.S.A.) showing how water strongly leaches magnesium oxide (MgO) from certain minerals, i.e. ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O and olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 at pressures between 20 and 40 Gigapascal (GPa). This equals 200,000 to 400,000 times the atmospheric pressure on Earth and temperatures above 1500 K (∼ 1230 °C), conditions which are present at the interface between deep oceans and the rocky mantle in sub-Neptune class of water planets. Sergio Speziale says: “These findings open new scenarios for the thermal history of large icy planets such as Neptune and Uranus.” The results of this study are published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy.

Read more at GFZ Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre

Image: Cut-away diagram of a water-rich sub-Neptune exo-planet highlighting, in orange color, the interaction region between a deep H2O layer and the underlying rocky mantle (Credit: S. Speziale/ GFZ)