May was arguably the worst month ever for big oil — and the best for its opponents — as courts and corporate shareholders sided with environmental activists to humble the biggest of the fossil-fuel giants, culminating in “Black Wednesday.”

On that day, May 26, three events occurred that would have seemed nearly impossible not long ago: activists angry at ExxonMobil’s climate policies won three seats on its board of directors; Chevron shareholders voted to force the company to start cutting emissions; and a judge in the Netherlands ruled that Shell must slash its emissions by 45 percent by 2030.

So what’s next for big oil? Is the game up? Have we reached peak oil?

In recent weeks, the oil industry has been ambushed by a combination of the politics of decarbonization, lifestyle changes stimulated by the pandemic, and the rapid rollout of green technologies that could make its product increasingly redundant and turn its wells into stranded assets.

Read more at: Yale Environment 360

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