Mounting waste from computers and electronic devices is the focus of a multi-faceted attack on environmental degradation being led by Flinders University and its commercial partner as part of two major new federally funded research projects.

The almost $1.6 million collaboration with Clean Earth Technologies, backed by two major Australian Research Council Linkage Project grants awarded by the Australian Government, will help to establish a pilot printed circuit board recycling plant in Adelaide – and ramp up production of world-leading polysulfide polymers which assist environmental recovery.

The first grant (ARC LP200301660) will expand production of novel polymer technologies for oil spill remediation and slow-release fertilisers developed by the Chalker Laboratory at Flinders University in South Australia.

After small-scale trials, the polysulfide polymers invented by a research team led by organic chemist Associate Professor Justin Chalker, are set to be manufactured in tonne-scale production in Adelaide for customers in Australia and overseas.

Read more at Flinders University

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