Researchers at the University of Surrey have released a new online tool to help schools, hospitals and residents understand and reduce the impact of traffic-related air pollution. 

The Hedge Design for the Abatement of Traffic Emissions (HedgeDATE) online tool allows users to describe their environment -- such as a road with buildings on one side -- and then recommends actions citizens can take to improve its air quality. 

For example, HedgeDATE advises that a resident living in a shallow street canyon should install hedges and a green wall; the tool can also give more detailed information on the species of plants suitable for different locations. 

The development of HedgeDATE builds on years of research and public engagement work by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE). HedgeDATE grew out of workshops on air pollution mitigation conducted with local communities as part of Guildford Living Lab*.

Read more at University of Surrey

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