With crops, farmers will adapt — they always have and always will. To help this adaptation, a Texas A&M AgriLife research project has used artificial intelligence modeling to determine what traits cultivars will need to be successful under changing climate conditions.

The project’s other goal was to help extend the life of the Ogallala Aquifer. Safeguarding the aquifer will require understanding how crops adapt to future cropping practices, especially since climate change predictions indicate summers will be warmer and dryer in the future. Toward these goals, a Texas A&M AgriLife team has completed an assessment of climate change impacts on cotton yield and irrigation water use. The study is published in the international Field Crops Research journal.

Supervising the project was Srinivasulu Ale, Texas A&M AgriLife Research geospatial hydrologist in Vernon and associate professor in Texas A&M University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

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Image via Texas A&M University