Dr Thelma Krug, vice chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), says the organisation could explore storytelling techniques, give careful thought to language and framing in the Summary for Policymakers, provide training for scientists and consider a more sophisticated approach to social media.

Dr Krug also suggests a review of how the IPCC interacts with young people.

Dr Krug was commenting on a new Topical Collection in the Springer Nature journal Climatic Change showcasing the latest communications research and practice and its relevance to the IPCC.

The collection – launched at COP26 – brings insights and recommendations together in 16 articles representing 54 authors in 13 countries.

The diverse set of authors represents early career to established voices and climate communication expertise from across a broad range of disciplines including agriculture, anthropology, geography, media and journalism, psychology and sociology.

Read more at: University of Exeter