Deep neural network provides an unprecedented forecasting tool up to two weeks before the onset of an extreme heat event.

This press release was provided by CNRS—Institut de physique, in collaboration with the American Physical Society and the Laboratoire de physique de l’ENS de Lyon.

Over the past decade, several extreme heat waves and heat domes have had a catastrophic impact on society and the biosphere. In 2021, all regions of the northern hemisphere have been affected. In late June and July, we saw simultaneous extreme heat waves in the Pacific Northwest, persistent heat waves in Siberia that fueled massive wildfires, and temperatures and humidity in Pakistan, northern India, and the Middle East that were at the limit of what the human body can withstand.

Understanding these extreme events is critical to quantifying the impact of climate change and better assessing risk.

Read more at American Physical Society

Image: Extreme heat waves occur concurrently all over the northern hemisphere following a global teleconnection pattern. Predicted teleconnection pattern analogous to the 2018 heat waves over Scandinavian, East Asia, and Canada. Colors show temperature anomalies (in Kelvin) during a season. (Credit: PNAS