The agricultural sector is facing a paradigm shift. Danish high-tech agriculture can show the world how a pervasive transformation of the industry can reform food production and, at the same time, tackle the crises facing the world. The transformation is all down to something as basic as what we grow on fields, and we may have to get used to the sight of green fields instead of yellow in late summer.

For centuries, we have refined our agricultural production. But even modern Danish agriculture cannot provide sustainable food production, given the imminent climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis and global overpopulation. In short, we have to produce more food on a smaller area. And the production needs to be sustainable.

Those are the words from a number of distinguished researchers from Aarhus University, who all work with future smart and sustainable agriculture and its necessary technologies.

The vast majority of cultivated land in Denmark is used to produce animal feed. But what if we could get a lot more meat out of a much smaller area? And what if this were not the only thing we could get out of the crops?

Read more at Aarhus University

Photo Credit: Candiix via Pixabay