The global wind and energy sector is currently gathered in Copenhagen for the WindEurope Electric City 2021 event, and as an important player in this field of research, DTU is also taking part.

Green electrification of society requires energy from renewable energy sources. So far, wind is one of the safest bet on an energy source that can supply the necessary green power. If we are to achieve the European target of a 55 per cent reduction of greenhouse gases and the Danish target of a 70 per cent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030, the wind power industry has a busy time ahead.

HRH Crown Prince Frederik, who opened the event on 22 November, shares the industry’s interest in accelerating the green transition.

“The challenges are big, but so is the potential,” as he pointed out.

One new area of development is the digitalization of the huge energy plants that the wind turbines of the future will be based on. Studies by WindEurope show that digitalization is key to making just about everything faster, smarter, and cheaper. And digitalization is a field that DTU is particularly interested in.

Read more at: Technical University of Denmark

Photo Credit: Emphyrio via Pixabay