An air quality sensor that will dramatically improve the way scientists measure air pollution over North America has been joined with its satellite host.

NASA's Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) instrument was integrated with Intelsat 40e by Maxar's Space Program Delivery team in Palo Alto, California. From its geostationary orbit — a high Earth orbit that allows satellites to match Earth's rotation — TEMPO will take hourly daytime observations of air quality over an area that extends from Puerto Rico to northern Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, encompassing the entire continental United States.

"Because of the hard work and dedication of the entire TEMPO team including our Maxar, Intelsat, and Ball Aerospace partners, we are excited to have completed this significant step toward launching with the IS40e spacecraft " said Kevin Daugherty, TEMPO project manager at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. "We are looking forward to completing the instrument integration and spacecraft testing in the coming months bringing us closer to delivery of TEMPO's critical air quality science."

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Image: The TEMPO payload rests atop the IS-40e spacecraft. (Credits: Image courtesy of Maxar)