What does a “resilient” forest look like in California’s Sierra Nevada? A lot fewer trees than we’re used to, according to a study of frequent-fire forests from the University of California, Davis.

More than a century ago, Sierra Nevada forests faced almost no competition from neighboring trees for resources. The tree densities of the late 1800s would astonish most Californians today. Because of fire suppression, trees in current forests live alongside six to seven times as many trees as their ancestors did — competing for less water amid drier and hotter conditions.

The study, published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management, suggests that low-density stands that largely eliminate tree competition are key to creating forests resilient to the multiple stressors of severe wildfire, drought, bark beetles and climate change.

This approach would be a significant departure from current management strategies, which use competition among trees to direct forest development.

Read more at University of California - Davis

Image: Forests in California's Sierra Nevada face multiple threats, from drought and bark beetles to severe wildfire and other climate-related impacts. (Credit: Pacific Southwest Forest Service, USDA)