Lancaster experts have contributed to a flood hydrology roadmap that sets out a vision to help scientists and practitioners better predict future flood events and improve flood resilience across the UK.

The roadmap, launched by the Environment Agency, brings together the views of more than 100 experts from over 50 organisations. It will improve hydrological data, models and science which can be used to inform how we adapt to flood risk from our rivers, surface water, groundwater and reservoirs.

These models will underpin flood risk management for decades to come, with benefits to areas including:

- design and maintenance of flood defences;
- national and local flood risk assessment and mapping;
- the design and operation of flood forecasting and warning schemes;
- design and operation of sustainable drainage systems; and
- understanding the impact of climate change on future flood risk.

The roadmap will also help us understand the impact of climate change on flood risk and will support modelling of past and future climate change impacts.

Read more at: Lancaster University

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