A combination of atmospheric measurements and fine-scale simulations has improved understanding of the modeling anomalies that arise when the model resolution approximates the length scale of turbulence features — an atmospheric simulation problem known as Terra Incognita. The research provides valuable insight into how best to link large- and small-scale simulations in a way that preserves the accuracy of physical processes at both scales.

Paul Giani from the University of Notre Dame in the USA, with colleague Paola Crippa and KAUST’s Marc Genton, sought to find a solution to this problem based on a deep understanding of how these physical processes are modeled.

“Accurately simulating how the atmosphere works, such as for calculation of winds, transport of pollutants, climate projections and weather forecasts, can be challenging given the wide range of spatial scales involved,” explains Giani. “Such simulations have to model both synoptic-scale winds, such as trade winds and monsoons, and local-scale turbulent flow induced by the presence of mountainous terrain or the built environment in urban areas. The coupling between these scales is very challenging and computationally demanding.”

Read more at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)

Image: A new study addresses the difficulty in modeling atmospheric turbulence at sub-kilometer resolution, which is challenging due to atmospheric variability, meteorology and changeable terrain such as mountains and cities. (Credit: © 2022 KAUST; Morgan Bennett Smith)