The latest British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) data will be included in a world leading collection of geographic information.

The ADD is a compilation of the best available topographic data for Antarctica. It is managed by BAS’ Mapping and Geographic Information Centre (MAGIC) on behalf of The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and is an essential tool for researchers navigating and understanding Antarctica’s everchanging landscape.

This week, the ADD has been made even more accessible through the inclusion of its coastline and contour datasets in the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. This globally recognised collection of geographic information contains data from a range of leading contributors and organisations and is accessed by over 10 million users internationally. It is hoped that this collaboration between BAS and ArcGIS will help to bring BAS’ unique knowledge of Antarctica to the wider research community and further international polar research efforts.

Read more at British Antarctic Survey

Photo Credit: MemoryCatcher via Pixabay