A Virginia Tech meteorologist with expertise in hurricanes and tropical storms encourages people to prepare for the Atlantic hurricane season that begins June 1 in part by finding a trusted area weather source and paying attention to local weather alerts.

“During hurricane season, context is important,” said Stephanie Zick, an assistant professor in the College of Natural Resources and Enviroment’s Department of Geography. “For example, a weather app can tell you there is a 100 percent chance of rain, but it won’t tell you about the flooding threat or what to do when there is a simultaneous threat of tornadoes and flooding.”
“Trusted sources can provide valuable information that you will need to keep your family and property safe,” she said. “No matter where you live, I recommend that you have a trusted local weather source, such as a local broadcast meteorologist who you watch on TV or follow on Twitter.”

Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday released their predicition for an above-normal 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.

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