Today, Tuesday 5 July, the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) announced the designation of the entire landmass of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) as Specially Protected Areas, fulfilling the commitment it made in the ‘Pathway to Protection’.

This Terrestrial Protected Area covers over 3,800 km2 and complements the Marine Protected Area , which covers the whole 1.24m km2 maritime zone, thus ensuring that the whole of SGSSI lies within a protected area system. Together, these Protected Areas will be an exemplar in delivering holistic ecosystem management, sustainable use and world-class protection.

The Specially Protected Areas Order prohibits all entry to the South Sandwich Islands without a permit and lays the foundation for enhanced protection measures across South Georgia which will be the subject of further consultation.

Read more at British Antarctic Survey

Photo Credit: Brian Gratwicke via Wikimedia Commons