Symphony is a digital tool that has existed for the past few years. It uses GIS maps that show the distribution of important ecosystems and species along Sweden’s coastlines and how by environmental disturbances, such as nutrient pollution, boat traffic and fishing, affect them in different areas. The maps are to guide setting priorities and various measures for public authorities and others that work with marine planning.

One problem with the current version of Symphony is that it does not consider how the climate will change in the future. Now researchers in the ClimeMarine project have studied what happens when the expected changes in temperature and salt content are implemented into the tool.

“It showed that the anticipated climate changes will increase the total environmental impact by at least fifty per cent, and in some areas, as much as several hundred per cent,” says Per Jonsson, researcher at the University of Gothenburg and co-author of the study.

Read More at: University of Gothenburg

In order to balance different interest in the ocean it´s use needs to be planned. A new study shows that marine planning must take climate change into consideration. (Photo Credit: Leif Jarnevi)