Love muffins? We’re talking about a tasty, fluffy muffin that has no artificial additives and that simultaneously contains lots of beneficial nutrients. As remarkable as it might sound, a recently published study led describes the development of just such a new muffin in the journal Foods.

From Muffins to Functional Food

The new super muffin has been named Roselle, because it contains calyx extract from the tropical plant Hibiscus sabdariffa, which is often referred to by the same name.

Hibiscus flowers have a beautiful red colour, and the calyx extract contains many valuable bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, betaine and hibiscus acid. All of these components can be used to develop new products and functional food that may offer positive health effects, possibly also reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

The study also shows that Roselle muffins maintain their freshness for up to six days at room temperature, but with so many beneficial qualities, chances are they will be long gone by then.

Read more at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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