In downtown San Francisco, in a cavernous garage that was once a Honda dealership, a gleaming white-and-blue appliance about the size of a commercial refrigerator is being prepared for transport to a hotel in Los Angeles.

There, this unit, called a OneWater System, will be installed in the basement, where its collection of pipes will take in much of the hotel’s graywater — from sinks, showers, and laundry. The system will clean the water with membrane filtration, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, and then send it back upstairs to be used again for nonpotable uses.

And again. And again.

“There is no reason to only use water once,” said Peter Fiske, the executive director of the National Alliance for Water Innovation, a division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in Berkeley. Just as natural systems use and reuse water repeatedly in a cycle driven by the sun, he said, “we now have technologies to enable us to process and reuse water over and over, at the scale of a city, a campus, and even an individual home.”

Read more at: Yale Environment 360

Ryan Pulley of Epic Cleantec holds a beaker of graywater. Right: A beaker of potable treated graywater. (Photo Credit: Ted Wood)