Published in the International Journal of Obesity, University of Minnesota Medical School and School of Public Health researchers led a study on the relationship between dietary intake and cardiovascular disease risk factors. 

Over 20 years, the research team examined people's regular dietary intake, paying particular attention to non-nutritive sweeteners commonly found in artificial sweeteners. They found that long-term consumption of aspartame, saccharin and diet beverages were linked to increased fat stores in the abdomen and fat within muscle. However, the study found no significant association between the artificial sweetener sucralose and these measures of fat volume.

"This study showed that habitual, long-term intake of total and individual artificial sweetener intakes are related to greater volumes of adipose tissue, commonly known as body fat," said Brian Steffen, PhD, MSCR, a  professor in the Department of Surgery at the U of M Medical School and co-investigator on the funded grant. "This was found even after accounting for other factors, including how much a person eats or the quality of one's diet.”

Read more at University Of Minnesota Medical School

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash