Trees planted in urban areas can provide shade and contribute to a lower air temperature. For these services to be optimal, it is important to let asphalt give way to trees, according to research from the University of Gothenburg.

The role of trees in the urban climate is an issue that has grown in importance in the wake of climate change, where average temperatures are expected to rise. Trees provide shade and lower the air temperature. To get most benefits from your trees, you need to give them the right conditions.

“Our research shows that an important factor is how much of the area around the tree is paved,” says Janina Konarska, researcher at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of the study in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning.

Read more at: University of Gothenburg

Studied horse chestnut trees growing in environments with a high and low degree of paving. (Photo Credit: Janina Konarska)