The first Tourism and Climate Change Stocktake report has been released by the Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) timed with the UN COP-28 Climate Conference. Its 24 key findings aim to support policymakers and the tourism industry in accelerating planning and investment toward low-carbon and climate-resilient global tourism.

University of Waterloo climate change and sustainable tourism expert Professor Daniel Scott was the co-lead, along with Professor Susanne Becken of Griffith University in Australia. The TPCC is a network of over 60 leading international tourism and climate experts from over 30 countries.

“In 2023, the world witnessed an extraordinary succession of climate records so that we no longer need to imagine the impacts of climate change on travel and tourism,” Scott said. “Few tourism authorities have focused on the potentially massive impacts of climate hazards and the paradigm shift that will be required in the transition to climate-resilient tourism development.”

Read More: University of Waterloo