Researchers at ETH Zurich are developing a new method to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It involves molecules that become acidic when exposed to light. Their new process requires much less energy than conventional technologies.

If we want to slow down global warming, we need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Among other things, we need to do without fossil fuels and use more energy-​​efficient technologies. However, reducing emissions alone won’t do enough to meet the climate targets. We must also capture large quantities of the greenhouse gas CO2 from the atmosphere and either store it permanently underground or use it as a carbon-​​neutral feed material in industry. Unfortunately, the carbon capture technologies available today require a lot of energy and are correspondingly expensive.

That’s why researchers at ETH Zurich are developing a new method that uses light. With this process, in the future, the energy required for carbon capture will come from the sun.

Read more at ETH Zurich

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