Wildlife watchers generally welcome species that have arrived in the UK due to climate change, new research suggests.
The lake level of the Dead Sea is currently dropping by more than one metre every year - mainly because of the heavy water consumption in the catchment area.
A new data cohort, funded by the NIHR Public Health Research programme, can for the first time link national green/blue space data with electronic health records for over a decade.
Until now, measures to protect climate and biodiversity have often been developed in parallel.
To assess how climate warming will change risks such as crop failures and wildfires, it’s necessary to look at how the risks are likely to interact.
Launched back in 2018, Aeolus has outlived its 36-month in-orbit design life – but going above and beyond, it continues to deliver excellent data.
Red tides, or harmful algal blooms, can cause low oxygen levels in coastal waters.
The latest U.N. report on climate change documented researchers’ efforts that have shown some measures of global warming are now unavoidable, and current research efforts are focusing on mitigation and adaptation strategies.
In the rolling hills around San Diego and its suburbs, the rumble of bulldozers and the whine of power saws fill the air as a slew of new homes and apartments rise up.
EPA has included a comparison of NOAA’s atmospheric emission estimates of four HFCs to its own inventory-based estimates in the just-released U.S. Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
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