A new study by Tel Aviv University and Berkeley University proposes a model according to which the establishment of seaweed farms near river estuaries significantly reduces nitrogen concentrations in the river and prevents environmental pollution in streams and oceans.
The reservoir stands at its lowest level since the 1930s.
Extreme sea levels along coastlines across the world will become 100 times more frequent by the end of the century.
The eruption of an underwater volcano near South Iwo Jima sent a plume soaring into flight paths and created an expansive raft of floating rock.
Saplings should be planted without protective plastic guards, according to an environmental impact study led by UCL researchers.
The United States and many other parts of the world are reeling under the impacts of severe drought. One possible solution is the desalination of seawater, but is it a silver bullet?
Climate science researcher Katia Fernandes contributed to a large National Geographic-sponsored project to develop a tropical rainforest vulnerability index.
The world’s oceans are becoming increasingly stressful places for marine life, and experts are working to understand what this means for the future.
Previous “world-avoided” experiments have shown that, without the Montreal Protocol, ozone levels would be depleted globally by the mid-twentieth century.
NOAA and university scientists deploy underwater listening devices in the Gulf of Mexico to study marine mammals, soundscapes, and noise impacts.
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