Summer in Antarctica is marked by days in which the Sun never sets, balmy temperatures that hover as high as freezing, and electric-blue clouds of ice.
A new species of mammal may have been found in Africa’s montane forests
Argonne’s lead water strategist addresses questions on managing our precious water resources
Perhaps that sauteed snapper you enjoyed last evening at your neighborhood restaurant was not snapper at all. Perhaps it was Pacific Ocean perch, cloaked in a wine sauce to disguise its true identity.
Seasonal floods on the Niger River reached unusual heights in Mali this year.
A few wet years have helped reverse a decades-long decline in water levels on one of the world’s most cherished lakes.
The Texas A&M College of Engineering's James Kaihatu joins a team that will study the vulnerability of petrochemical facilities in Galveston Bay and risks to nearby communities.
UMass Amherst geologist and team studied marshes from Wall Street to Albany
A future of fewer Christmas trees? Conifers expected to decline.
A large block of ice has broken off the northern tip of the A-68A iceberg as seen in new images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission.
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