Study by Johns Hopkins economist Paul Ferraro finds that Indonesian anti-poverty programs also led to less deforestation.
Ariel BenYishay contributed his expertise in geospatial impact evaluation to a land titling paper that was recently published in the journal Nature Sustainability.
UD research shows that submerged vegetation helps to offset Chesapeake Bay acidification.
Study presents clear opportunities to conserve what remains.
What nitrogen is getting up to in permafrost soils may exert great feedbacks on climate changes, which overturns what researchers have long believed, according to a Sino-German joint study.
When drought reshuffles the green-up of habitats that mule deer migrate across, it dramatically shortens the annual foraging bonanza they rely on.
After studying 71 lakes in 33 countries, researchers found that phytoplankton and algae blooms are generally increasing around the world.
A team of engineers in the U.S. and Europe subjected the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft to a battery of trials to ready it for liftoff later this year.
Janice Brahney's study examined the source and life history of both wet and dry microplastic deposition.
First long-term study on plastic degradation in a water depth of more than 4000 meter.
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