The striking patterns in northeastern Canada’s flood basalts tell a story of continental collisions that played out almost two billion years ago.
Without forest fires or controlled burns, woody residues build up in a thick, highly combustible layer on the forest floor.
Ocean temperatures across parts of the Great Barrier Reef have been above or close to thresholds where there is a high risk of coral bleaching for several weeks.
Risk tool identified 23 mineral commodities whose supply poses the greatest risk, including those used in consumer electronics, renewable energy, aerospace, and defense applications.
Scientists evaluated air and sea processes that contribute to monsoon intensity from May 26 to June 26.
Collaborative research will lead to regional weather forecast alerts indicating each system’s severity days before the dust arrives.
Tiny and frightening-looking creatures lurking throughout our world’s oceans can wreak havoc on Navy tactical decision-makers’ ability to sense the environment or plan and chart a navigation course.
A team of the UB has studied for the first time the presence of microplastics in the coasts of Barcelona, thanks to the participation of the citizens gathering scientific samples.
The researchers used computer modeling to project the rapid movement of floodwaters during deglaciation between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago.
Seeds offer a level of resilience to the harmful effects of climate change in ecosystems across the globe.
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