“Siloxanes” could be key to deriving bolstered energy production from biogas.
North Carolina State University researchers have developed what is, to date, the most efficient means of converting sewage sludge and restaurant grease into methane.
Buildings use 40 percent of America’s primary energy and 75 percent of its electricity, which can jump to 80 percent when a majority of the population is at home using heating or cooling systems and the seasons reach their extremes.
Solar cells based on perovskites have reached enormously high efficiencies within a few years, only.
Research finds some hydropower facilities emit more greenhouse gases than those burning fossil fuels.
Oil, gas wells drive down Colorado home values, reveals WVU research.
Modified natural materials will be an essential component of a sustainable future, but first a detailed understanding of their properties is needed.
Eight years after an earthquake and tsunami transformed Fukushima into the site of one of the world’s worst nuclear disasters, plans are underway to turn the Japanese prefecture into a hub of renewable energy.
Just 13 out of the largest 132 coal, electricity, and oil and gas companies have made commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero, research published today has revealed (PDF).
Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have taken a giant stride towards solving a riddle that would provide the world with entirely renewable, clean energy from which water would be the only waste product.
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