Britons are keen to continue with low-carbon lifestyle choices adopted during lockdown, according to research by Cardiff University and The University of Manchester.
In a world-first, the extent of human development in oceans has been mapped.
More than 80 per cent of the Indonesian rainforest, mangroves and peatlands most vulnerable to being cleared for palm oil production is completely unprotected by the country’s Forest Moratorium, according to new research.
How governments and the private sector consider the natural environment when constructing policy is being transformed thanks to a new “natural capital” decision-making framework.
New research shows that safeguarding species and ecosystems and the benefits they provide for society against future climatic change requires effective solutions which can only be formulated from reliable forecasts.
Soil loss due to water runoff could increase greatly around the world over the next 50 years due to climate change and intensive land cultivation.
Professor William Merrell says the plan proposed after Hurricane Ike in 2008 is still needed, and the Texas coast could again face catastrophic damage.
In Nature Climate Change paper, researchers say the world needs to consider tradeoffs of untested technologies before dismissing known options such as immediate carbon emissions reductions.
The analysis examines the overlap between opportunities for tropical forest restoration, human populations, development and national policies for community forest ownership.
A new study, realized with the contribution of the CMCC Foundation, demonstrates for the first time that human-induced climate change has influenced water availability on land in the driest months of the year, over the last century.
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