Cancer cells are a wily adversary.
In the high-impact journal Appetite the UPV/EHU’s Nursing and Health Promotion research group has published a study using photovoice methodology and which qualitatively compares citizens’ perceptions about the food environment in three Bilbao neighbourhoods with different socioeconomic levels.
Using a machine-learning algorithm, MIT researchers have identified a powerful new antibiotic compound.
A University of Queensland team has met a key milestone in their fast-tracked research to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, COVID-19.
A research team at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology and the KU Leuven Department of Biology showed that, contrary to generally held belief, most components of essential oils could meet the criteria set for drug candidates.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School believe they discovered a new way in which diet influences aging-related diseases.
People with bipolar disorder experience dramatic shifts in mood, oscillating between often debilitating periods of mania and depression.
Compounds from Aristolochia clematitis L. could contribute to endemic kidney disease.
Parents from lower-income families are less likely to describe their home tap water as safe, say their water has been tested or feel confident in the quality of drinking fountain water at their child's school compared with higher income peers, a new national poll suggests.
Chronic inflammation, which results when old age, stress or environmental toxins keep the body’s immune system in overdrive, can contribute to a variety of devastating diseases, from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to diabetes and cancer.
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