Solving a mystery from the Dust Bowl to help plan for climate change.
Plumes of cool water are potential sources of pollution.
Enzymes that control a plant’s response to lower oxygen levels could be manipulated to make vital crops resistant to the impacts of flooding triggered by climate change, new research shows.
Bane of gardeners and foresters alike, Amur honeysuckle can be identified from space
The team analyzed more than 250,000 scenes from the Landsat satellite missions.
On an expedition to the Central Andean Plateau, researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and colleagues were astounded to find a huge fossil tree buried in the cold, grassy plain.
More than 80 per cent of the Indonesian rainforest, mangroves and peatlands most vulnerable to being cleared for palm oil production is completely unprotected by the country’s Forest Moratorium, according to new research.
These results revealed that soil emission from farmland was an important source of HONO.
HRRR-Smoke is particularly valuable for notifying those downwind of a fire about what’s headed their way.
Scientists in Cornell’s NextGen Cassava project have uncovered new details regarding cassava’s genetic architecture that may help breeders more easily pinpoint traits for one of Africa’s most vital crops.
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